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10 Years of Impact

‘When you have women at the table, you achieve better results’

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Innovators Magazine in 2025, every month this year we will publish some of our milestone moments: the stories, podcasts, initiatives, projects and partners that have shaped our journey so far. Here’s a Twitter Chat (remember them?) from 2018, which Innovators Magazine co-hosted with the Knowledge4Innovation (K4I) Forum in the European Parliament.


(this article was first published in 2018):

Thanks to our fellow hosts Knowledge4Innovation and all of the panelists who participated in today’s Twitter Chat on achieving gender equality in STEM.

There were great contributions from the panel, which consisted of two Members of the European Parliament, Ivana Maletić and Angelika Mlinar; Katherine Manuel – Senior Vice President, Innovation, Thomson Reuters Foundation; Douglas Morrison, STEM & Innovation Lead at City of Glasgow College; Alev Canoglu, Founder of Female Tech Leaders; and Nick Diamond, comms manager at the Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTech).

And a special thank you to our Impact Comms Lead, Carlotta De Toni, for moderating the Twitter Chat.

Here’s a flavour of some of the comments our panelists made:

Ivana Maletić Gender diversity is essential for creativity, innovation, productivity and competitiveness. The inclusion of women promotes scientific excellence and boosts the quality of STEM outcomes. Hiring women is a good business.

Angelika Mlinar The current social & cultural norm pushing male & female students into different fields needs to change by informing women of all ages about existing & growing opportunities & encouraging them in pursuing their interests in STEM fields.

Katherine Manuel We have so much left to discover. Think of a friend suffering from cancer or a debilitating learning disability. Why not have more people with more perspectives working to solve some of our greatest societal challenges? #womeninSTEM It just makes sense.

Douglas Morrison Educational Institutes need to do more to demasculinise course descriptions and content. There are a number of good examples of this. Limiting pre-condition of school based STEM subjects as criteria to access further and higher education STEM subjects is helpful. #womeninstem

Alev Canoglu Imagine the additional potential, brainpower, discoveries and innovation we’d gain If we had as many #womeninSTEM as we have men!

Nick Diamond Engage men to close gender gap – not just a women’s issue. Closing gap asks men to change mindsets + continue convo about gender diversity in STEM. Change makers must improve products, practice user-centered design + develop tech that considers gender #womeninSTEM #Hack4Her



The future: Investing in Women

Writing in our recent World Future Forum digital edition, published in November 2024, Shiva Dustdar, Head of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Institute said we must empower the next generation of women – and that means starting early.

Shiva writes that “if we want to have more impact on sustainability metrics, the data clearly shows us that when you have women at the table, you achieve better results.”

“We loved this article by Shiva Dustdar, who says the journey to equality must begin early,” ebbf – (ethical business building the future) posted on Linkedin. “Shiva emphasises the importance of financial literacy and entrepreneurial education, particularly for young girls, who remain underrepresented in these areas. We need to promote inclusive educational programs and mentoring for the next generation, ensuring that barriers of gender bias are dismantled before they solidify.”


Read the World Future Forum edition, produced in partnership with Allied4Future, organisers of the Forum – and sign up for our newsletter to keep up-to-date with news of a collaborative new initiative we are currently working on to expand opportunities for the next generation.

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Written By

Susan is the co-founder of Innovators Magazine and a consultant for OnePoint5Media. Susan is also a member of the UNFCCC-led Resilience Frontiers Nexus group and the Chair of the APOPO Foundation UK board.


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