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Startups take Asia beyond COVID-19

Photo by Robynne Hu on Unsplash

As COVID-19 lockdown measures ease, there is an increasing focus on making the post-pandemic world work better than it did before.

In Asia nine startups are already pointing the way. Winners of the 2020 Asia-Pacific Low Carbon Lifestyles Challenge – organised by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) – these early stage companies are ‘advancing green businesses in the categories of low-carbon energy, plastic waste prevention and low-carbon mobility’.

Linh Le founder of Vietnamese startup AYA CUP is one of the winners. Her company makes cups from bamboo fibres and employs a return and reuse system to create a green ecosystem. While Rikesh Gurung is recognised for the impact his Bhutan startup, The Green Road, is making in ‘using plastic waste in place of bitumen’ – which generates toxic fumes – ‘in road construction’. All nine will receive a $10,000 package of support, as well as mentoring and technical assistance.

Read about all the winners.


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