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IoT spend to sky rocket

|22 June 2016|


A new report claims American organisations are set to spend more than $232 billion in their Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities this year.

The International Data Corporation forecasts the spend across hardware, software, services, and connectivity, in its updated Worldwide Semiannual Internet of Things Spending Guide.

“The long term opportunity for IoT vendors is helping to identify and create immediate and residual benefits for end users through their technologies. We see strong opportunities across many industries. For example, in highly instrumented verticals like manufacturing and transportation, large data sets are used to optimise operational processes and extend the life of high capital cost assets. In other sectors like healthcare and consumer, IoT technology is being used to produce benefits that improve quality of life.”

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Iain is a creative writer, journalist and lecturer, and formerly an editor of two international business publications. Iain is now editor of Innovators Magazine, as well as the strategic content director for OnePoint5Media.


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