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How to become a truly regenerative leader

After an out-of-body experience following a horrific car crash, author Giles Hutchins‘ life and worldview took an abrupt turn. At the time a senior strategist for corporate giants, like KPMG and Atos, espousing best practices, today Giles is creating novel practices inspired by nature – and our inner nature – as he introduces new tools for shaping regenerative leadership.

We are nature, and nature is us.

Giles Hutchins

Hutchins joins me on the latest season of Inside Ideas to talk more about his fascinating journey, his hopes for the next generation of leaders, and his latest book: ‘Nature Works: Activating Regenerative Leadership Consciousness‘.

“In Nature Works, it’s not just about nature, but the nature in us, our inner nature,” he said. “If we ignore the inner, then we’re still in a mechanistic mindset, and our work becomes limited because we’re not flowing with life. So we need to step into the river and truly work with inner and outer nature.”

His new book fuses neuroscience, the latest research on consciousness and ancient wisdom, to produce an integrated model for living and leading that he says is resilient and regenerative.

Springwood Farm

Hutchins also shares his personal experience exiting corporate life and starting Springwood Farm, an international leadership centre near London, situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty.

“Being in tune with nature, in love with nature,” Hutchins says. “This is still the foundation for regenerative leadership and for a truly regenerative way of living.”

Along with writing multiple books, and his work at Springwood Farm, Hutchins is also the chair of The Future Fit Leadership Academy, founder of Leadership Immersions, co-founder of Biomimicry for Creative Innovation and Regenerators, and host of his own podcast.


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Written By

Marc is Editor-at-Large for Innovators Magazine and host of INSIDE IDEAS, his OnePoint5Media video podcast show. Marc is a member of the World Economic Forum Expert Network, Resilient Futurist, and award-winning Global Food Reformist.


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