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Milk capsules dissolve in hot drinks


Researchers have developed a milk capsule that dissolves in hot drinks.

A team from Germany’s Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) has developed the product, which could help reduce packaging waste.

Martha Wellner pioneered the process as part of her PhD studies at MLU’s former Centre of Engineering Sciences – under Professor of Engineering, Joachim Ulrich.

“A crystalline crust forms a type of packaging around the capsules that easily dissolves in hot liquid,” she said.

Joachim Ulrich initially came up with ‘encapsulation process’.

He added: “The capsules could replace the small, extremely unpractical coffee creamer packaging that is used in great quantities at conferences or on airplanes.”

The product will need to pass various regulatory hurdles before it can be made available on the market.

The new milk capsules could be an alternative to plastic containers. Credit: Martha Wellner / MLU

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