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Zero island rethinks what’s possible

Lidö is being transformed into a zero emission island that will inspire decision makers far beyond its shores to follow suit in pursuing a sustainable future.

Renewable fuel producer, Neste, is one of the main players involved in making the Swedish island an exemplar of all things zero emissions. Since its inception, the project has achieved a reduction of 78% in emissions, thanks to the implementation of a raft of waste reduction, energy efficiency, and green fuel usage strategies.

“The Zero Island project proves that if we work together as institutions, companies and individuals, we can change the world a lot quicker than we think.” said Carl Nyberg, Neste’s Executive Vice President in Renewable Road Transportation.

Visitors to the island can experience first-hand what living and eating in a climate-neutral environment feels like, with Nolla – the Zero Cabin, bookable via Airbnb, available to the public, as well as food from the Zero Menu designed by celebrity chef, Jonas Svensson.

“With Zero Island we want to make sure our children will be able to enjoy the archipelago as we have, but we also want to show people that making responsible choices doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your holiday experience, but that simplicity and purity can actually make the experience stronger,” added Olle Tejle and Hugo Olofsson, the entrepreneurs running Lidö.

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