The Our Future Water event in Berlin this November will strive to accelerate actions that can make a reality.
Innovators Magazine is a media partner with the event, which takes place during Berlin Science Week. People from all backgrounds, current and future water leaders, are invited to come together, collaborate and ideate on how to achieve a water secure-world.
“Demand for water is projected to outstrip supply by 40% in 2030 and 55% in 2050 due to a variety of trends including rapid population and economic growth, urbanization, and climate change. Under a business-as-usual scenario, water security for humans and nature will be severely challenged. Lack of water security will threaten livelihoods, human well-being, socio-economic development, and peace and political stability,” the Our Future Water website states. “The global management of water requires all ages, backgrounds, and disciplines to come together.”
Early bird tickets for the 7 November summit are available until 31 August.
Read the Our Future Water brochure below for more information.