By the end of the century “fossil fuels will be history”. That’s the opinion of Roger Kilburn, CEO of the Glasgow-based Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC).
Roger shared his views on where innovation is taking the world in our recent biotech special edition.
“By 2050, based on OECD estimates the earth will be 30% more populated and GDP will be more than doubled giving more purchasing power to more people. Conversely we will be using a lot less fossil fuels, electricity will be largely from renewable sources, buildings will be much more efficient at retaining heat (in the winter) and cool (in the summer), ground transportation (trains, buses, cars) will be primarily electric. Carbon based fuels and materials will still be required for aviation, chemicals and polymers however more of these products will be from sustainable sources using Industrial Biotechnology rather than traditional fossil fuels. By the end of the century, the use fossil fuels will be history,” he said.
Read more opinions on this in our latest edition, which was distributed at last month’s BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, Montreal – now online.