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‘What’s your take on the future?’

Depict a ‘desirable future’ for the world in a short video for the chance to go to Lisbon and see that vision professionally filmed by Red Bull Media House.

The competition led by Red Bull and Futur/io – the European Institute for Exponential Technologies & Desirable Futures – is open until 10 February – and wants to see what you have in mind for the future of the ‘global community that will shape a better tomorrow’.

We are looking for great visions of desirable futures. Just create a video of up to 60 seconds and share yours.

This initiative could have gone in any of our sections, this is a blank canvas for you to create. Apply now. The lead entries will be invited to the Red Bull Futur/io Academy, hosted in Lisbon, Portugal, from March 21 to 24 2019.

#redbullfuturio #desirablefutures

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