Earth School launched last month as an online resource designed to take 5 to 18-year-olds on a 30-day quest of discovery of the natural world. With billions of children worldwide impacted by the lockdown it is a really helpful and free to use learning tool.
Led by TED-Ed and UNEP, it is now into week five, which is focussed on: The Nature of Individual Action.
“This week’s Quests focus on solutions that will protect and enhance nature, with themes on recycling, composting, tree planting, urban gardening and using renewable energy. Unlock your inner Greta Thunberg and learn the practical ways we can all build a healthy future for our planet,” the Earth School website states about week five.
My six-year-old daughter has been inspired by the journey so far and can’t wait to continue it ever day. So if you haven’t tried it yet, I recommend joining the Earth School adventure.
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