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Thinking beyond the Global Goals…

Our South Korea trip to support the launch of the Resilience Frontiers initiative – focused on imagining a world beyond the Global Goals – was another 2019 highlight.

There are clearly major challenges ahead when it comes to achieving the 17 UN Global Goals. Labelled the blueprint for a better future by Ban Ki-moon, it is currently inspiring transformative actions across sectors, borders and communities worldwide.

While the Goals may represent a mountain none of us are remotely close to seeing the summit of right now, the truth is – to ensure this old world keeps spinning around – there is a necessity to develop a vision for what comes next. Leading the way is Resilience Frontiers, a multi-stakeholder initiative brainstorming sustainable pathways beyond 2030. We were at its launch event earlier this year in South Korea, and have since produced a digital publication on the first steps being taken by Resilience FrontiersCheck it out.

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Written By

Iain is an experienced writer, journalist and lecturer, who held editorships with a number of business focussed publications before co-founding and becoming editor of Innovators Magazine. Iain is also the strategic director for OnePoint5Media.


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