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Innovation that can hunt down killer cancers wins new investment

“Some of the greatest minds in innovation” developing technologies capable of detecting cancers early have been awarded ‘wild card’ investment to fast-track their potentially breakthrough innovations.

Following EIT Health’s intensive hunt for Europe’s most promising tech disruptors in the field of cancer, to two teams: Bonescreen and NIB biotec, were picked to receive €1.5 million each of new investment, as part of its Wild Card Programme.

Bonescreen are combining medicine and AI to produce software for medical professionals that more accurately assess bone health, allowing for the critical early detection of cancer. While Italy’s NIB biotec are developing a smart biosensor to diagnose prostate cancer. 

Kurt Höller, Director of Business Creation at EIT Health, who are backed by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) – a body of the European Union, said: “This year’s EIT Health Wild Card Programme attracted some of the greatest minds in innovation, calling upon them to develop unconventional solutions to the challenges of mental health treatment and cancer detection. We are confident that the selected teams will make use of the wealth of expertise and resources on offer to develop their solutions and improve the early detection of cancer. We wish them every luck in this endeavour and enthusiastically support them on their journeys.”

Search begins for Wild Card 2023

Next year’s Wild Card Programme will focus on children’s health and EIT Health are teaming up with Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Children’s Hospital in Barcelona to deliver the 2023 edition. For more information on how to take part, check out the new challenge website.

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Written By

Susan is the co-founder of Innovators Magazine and a consultant for OnePoint5Media. Susan is also a member of the UNFCCC-led Resilience Frontiers Nexus group and the Chair of the APOPO Foundation UK board.


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