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Talk turns to food and climate

Infertile land burned by the sun: famine and poverty concept


The impact climate change and migration are having on food systems will be debated at a sustainability forum in Milan next week.

The Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (BCFN Foundation) is holding its 8th International Forum on Food and Nutrition.

And with climate change increasing food insecurity, a situation graphically depicted via an interactive map produced by the World Food Programme and the Met Office, the Forum will be focussed on finding solutions to this global challenge.

“During the event policy makers, the scientific community, private sector and civil society come together sharing knowledge, analysis and best practices in light of the Agenda 2030,” the event website says.

There as still some spaces at the event, which takes place on 4 and 5 December, at Hangar Bicocca, Milan. It will also be live streamed.

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