clean energy
New York is America’s new windy city
Statoil’s new Empire Wind energy project will help New York meet its target to generate 50% of the State’s electricity from clean sources by...
Statoil’s new Empire Wind energy project will help New York meet its target to generate 50% of the State’s electricity from clean sources by...
(SCOTLAND) The world’s first offshore floating wind farm – located off the north east coast of Scotland – is being officially opened...
(NORWAY/SCOTLAND) The ‘world’s first offshore floating wind farm’ is heading to its permanent home off the north east coast of...
|16 May 2016| Scotland Energy giant Statoil will built the world’s largest floating windfarm off the coast of Scotland. The...
|2 November 2015| The world’s largest floating offshore wind development will be installed off the coast of Peterhead after the...