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Social innovators need your vote

Vote online now for your favourite social impact pioneer and help accelerate solutions to the world’s biggest challenges.

The public can play their part in deciding the outcome of the Aspirin Social Innovation Award 2018 – the international awards from the Bayer Foundations – which will award five social innovators, tackling health and nutrition challenges, €20,000 each. There are 28 projects, hailing from 16 countries, to choose from. Four of the five winners will be decided by an expert panel, the fifth is in your hands; with a special award also going to social entrepreneurs in China.

These are the game changers transforming our world. If the impact potential of the 2017 winners is realised, we will get solutions to grand challenges being faced by more than two billion people.

Vote by 25 October.

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Deadline day in social pioneers poll

food | water

Vote for top social impact pioneer


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