A new guide has been released to raise awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among scientists.
The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) connects the global science community so they can collaborate on overcoming the biggest global challenges. And with the 17 SDGs very much the defacto international blueprint for delivering a sustainable planet and fair society for all by 2030, the IAP wants to ensure scientists are up to speed on how they can contribute.
So it has published a ‘simple’ guide to signpost them to the easiest ways of supporting the delivery of SDGs at a national, regional and global level.
“Academies and academic societies can provide a wealth of research expertise and insight, which is presently underutilised. If deployed effectively, they can play their part in supporting the SDGs, as independent sources of peer-reviewed knowledge; as champions of evidence-informed policymaking; and as mentors to young academies and scientists to help empower them to play their part in shaping their future,” said Dr Eva Alisic, Co-Chair of the IAP’s Working Group on Improving Scientific Input to Global Policymaking.