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Renewable chemicals your thing?


The World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology will be talking renewable chemicals this summer.

Organisers, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) have just released the programming for this topic, and as media partners for the event, we want to make readers with an interest in this area aware that four break sessions are scheduled for 17 July.


“The growth of renewable chemicals is particularly strong, with research suggesting that they generate a significant percentage of the total economic activity in important sectors, such as the US organic chemical manufacturing industry. At the BIO World Congress, attendees will have the opportunity to hear from leading experts on how renewable chemicals are strengthening the biobased economy,” said Brent Erickson, Executive Vice President, Industrial and Environmental at BIO.


The BIO World Congress takes place in Philadelphia from 16 to 19 July. Registration is open and early bird discounts are available until 14 June.

Innovators Magazine will be distributing a biotech special edition at the Congress; as we said yesterday, we’re your home of biotech news. Email connect@innovatorsmag to find out how to book your coverage in this edition.

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