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New lifestyle can lead us through the storm

“In many ways, regeneration is very simple,” says Laura Storm, founder of Regenerators, and a World Economic Forum ‘Young Global Leader’.

Regenerators is a collective dedicated to nurturing growth in nature-inspired regenerative design, leadership and living, advising those ready to take the leap. In living by these principles everyday with her family on their permaculture farm in Portugal, Storm has taken the leap.

“Once people ‘get it’, then something starts to shift within them,” she told me on Inside Ideas

“I have so much love for the activist community because these are raw passionate people, they desperately want to make a difference and many would give their life to the movement that they believe in,” she says. “I’m very passionate about helping them create these thriving and regenerative micro-organisms and living systems so that the activist movement and communities can start to transform because we deeply need them.”

The co-author of Regenerative Leadership Storm has advised the Copenhagen Climate Council, the World Business Summit on Climate Change, Project Green Light and Sustainia, among others, on how they can become regenerators through the work that they do.

For help finding your inner regenerative leader, catch up with Storm’s appearance on season 3 of Inside Ideas.

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Marc is Editor-at-Large for Innovators Magazine and host of INSIDE IDEAS, his OnePoint5Media video podcast show. Marc is a member of the World Economic Forum Expert Network, Resilient Futurist, and award-winning Global Food Reformist.


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