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New international course for doctors

A new international degree course is launching to give doctors the knowhow to capitalise on advances in areas like precision medicine, AI and gene therapy.

The degree programme in medicine is being spearheaded through a collaboration between Milan’s Humanitas University and the Politecnico di Milano. Fifty places will be available annually for the course, which will be delivered in a new state-of-the-art facility housed on the Humanitas University Campus. The MEDTEC School six-year course will fuse medical and biomedical engineering skills to shape the doctors of the future.

“In the field of Life Sciences, great challenges lie ahead: the ageing of the population, the impact of innovation, accessibility and sustainability of national systems of care and assistance,” said Gianfelice Rocca, President of Humanitas. “In a social context of increasing complexity, MEDTEC School has been created to respond to these challenges by training and equipping professionals with the knowledge of how to manage and exploit technology to provide a more humane, innovative and sustainable medicine.”

Register for the admissions test, which is in English, by 28 August. The test takes place on 6 September.

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The ‘global epicentre’ of biomedicine


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