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New energy pioneers recognised

Ten innovative companies have been named 2019 New Energy Pioneers by BloombergNEF (BNEF) at a summit in New York.

Winners at the BNEF summit include companies spearheading game changing products in EV charging and manufacturing processes. We have featured a couple of them before on these pages. French startup, NAVYA, for its driverless transport systems; and Zunum Aero, a pioneering startup striving to shake up of the regional travel system in America using hybrid-electric aircrafts.

“We’re honored to be recognised as a New Energy Pioneer. We have a rare, world-changing opportunity to bring to life a new era for regional travel that combines community connectivity and quiet, green flight. With our aircraft in the air, people can expect door-to-door times two to four times faster than they are today, while carriers will see operating costs and emissions slashed by up to 80%. We are well on our way to bringing aviation emissions on short-haul flights to zero by 2040,” said Ashish Kumar, CEO, Zunum Aero.

Here is a link to – and blurb on – the 10, provided by BNEF:

  • CarbonCure (Canada) provides a method of utilizing captured CO2 in concrete manufacturing to both improve its structural properties and reduce its environmental impact.
  • Desktop Metal (U.S.) manufactures one of the fastest 3D printing systems on the market for the mass production of high-resolution metal parts.
  • Metron (France) provides an AI-driven IIoT (industrial internet of things) platform that optimizes energy usage for industrial facilities.
  • Navya (France) is the leading developer of low-speed autonomous shuttles.
  • Nozomi Networks (U.S.) offers cybersecurity for industrial control systems using machine-learning techniques to detect anomalies.
  • Sunfolding (U.S.) has invented new motor-free solar trackers resulting in faster installation of solar panels at lower costs.
  • Ubitricity (U.K.) has developed a unique smart electricity cable for EV charging which leads to a much smaller and more affordable charging spot.
  • Uptake (U.S.) has developed an AI platform to predict and prevent the breakdown of industrial and energy assets to increase productivity, reliability, efficiency and safety.
  • Zero Mass Water (U.S.) sells a HydropanelTM which uses sunlight to generate water out of thin air.
  • Zunum Aero (U.S.) is an aerospace company which develops hybrid and fully electric airplanes aimed at short and medium haul flights.

“This year we received a record number of high quality candidates for the New Energy Pioneers program, from across the world. We continue to see strong innovation in the use of digital technologies such as AI, IoT and cybersecurity that will make our electricity system and industrial processes more efficient, flexible, clean and secure,” added Michael Wilshire, selection committee chair and head of strategy at BloombergNEF.

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