The President and CEO of Neste today hailed the impact the company’s products are having in slashing greenhouse gas emissions. Peter Vanacker said its renewables products cut emissions by 9.6 million tons* last year, which equates to taking 3.5 million cars off the road for a whole year.
We believe that collaboration is the key to success
Neste, a company which features regularly on these pages, is one of world’s leading renewable fuel producers. Made using wastes and residues, its clean fuel is transforming sectors worldwide.
“Neste’s business is focused on helping our customers in the transport sector and cities, as well as in the aviation, polymers and chemical industries to make their business more sustainable. We are extremely proud to work together with our customers and partners in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions with our renewable products, such as Neste MY Renewable Diesel™ and Neste MY Renewable Jet Fuel™. These are high-quality renewable and readily available solutions to reduce transportation or aviation-related emissions,” said Peter Vanacker.
He added: “Last year, we made two ambitious climate promises. The first one is reducing our customers’ greenhouse gas emissions with renewable and circular solutions by at least 20 million tons CO2eq annually by 2030. Going from 7.9 million tons in 2018 to 9.6 million tons of reduced greenhouse gas emission in 2019 was a great start here. The second promise is to reduce the carbon footprint of Neste’s production ahead of EU’s climate and energy targets. One concrete example of this is our long-term agreement on wind power at our production sites in Finland.”
*The method used to calculate life cycle emissions and emission reduction complies with the EU Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC)