|21 March 2017|
Accelerating the transition to a sustainable energy future is the focus of a new international collaboration.
Leading energy stakeholders representing the national governments of China, Denmark, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates have agreed at a fringe meeting of the Berlin Energy Transition dialogue to form the Energy Transition Coalition.
Working together to advance a low carbon economic model worldwide, it will look to establish innovative approaches, new technologies and partnerships which can speed up the move to a greener, cleaner future.
“Few people would have imagined the scale and pace of the energy transition which we are witnessing today. Renewable energy deployment has considerably expanded thanks to reduced costs and record new investments in power generation from renewables. Energy efficiency is picking up and we see important synergies emerging with renewable energy. Many countries are proving that the ongoing energy transition in fact has multiple positive social, economic and environmental impacts,” said International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Director-General Adnan Z Amin. “By working together, we can hasten the transition to a sustainable energy future.”
Brigitte Zypries, German Minister of Economic Affairs an Energy, added: “The energy transition is a huge chance for further economic growth in our countries. We will set the right framework for new business models and start ups to modernize our energy systems. The coalition countries are frontrunners with political experience. We will make use of the political momentum that is accompanying international energy discussions since some years. We are looking forward to joining forces with all interested countries to accelerate the global energy transition.”