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‘Make the unthinkable possible’

Futur/io – the European Institute for Exponential Technologies & Desirable Futures – is inspiring a new culture of entrepreneurship and innovation.

In an age which is being defined by exponential technologies, old habits need to die fast. A moonshot mindset imbued with a practical understanding of how to make big ideas happen are the tools leaders and businesses will need to excel. In the context of a climate crisis threatening humanity, this success must be achieved sustainably though. And it is these multiple realities that Futur/io is responding to. Not only does it have a faculty of futurists with the insight on how to do this, developed from their first-hand experiences in delivering transformative change inside the world’s biggest brands, and across a range of industries, the Institution also contributes to the * Resilience Frontiers initiative, a new interagency effort which is championing a ‘collective intelligence process on how best to respond to the deep societal transformations driven by emerging technologies and new sustainability trends, and maximize resilience to climate change beyond 2030’.

Aix-en-Provence is the next stop for the Futur/io Executive Programme, from 19 to 21 June.

“By attending the Executive Programme you will gain resources and knowledge to craft your own Moonshot venture – we want to un-learn your current state of mind and help you to receive a totally new way to think futures. You will leave the programme equipped with the foundations to actively steer your personal strategy instead of just follow others. Moonshot Thinking will be a core element of the programme,” the Futur/io website states. “Our intense courses will transform your mind and heart to be ready to make an impact on this planet. It gives your perfect arguments to convince your team and colleagues to go a step further and make the unthinkable possible: Desirable Futures for all of us. Over the course of 2.5 days you will work on your own Moonshot Challenge in a setting of co-creation and future thinking energies. The best Moonshot Challenge will be chosen and awarded with a free ticket for the invite-only CxO Programme in Venice.”

Buy your early bird ticket online.

* Resilience Frontiers is an interagency effort undertaken by the UNFCCC secretariat in collaboration with Canada’s International Development Research Centre, EIT Climate-KIC, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Global Water Partnership, the Green Climate Fund, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. 

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Written By

Iain is a writer, journalist and lecturer, and former editor of two international business magazines. Iain is now editor of Innovators Magazine, as well as the strategic content director for OnePoint5Media.


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