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Lighthouse Cities show the way

Barcelona, Cologne and Stockholm have been sharing details on the smart city solutions that have worked for them over the past five years. Since 2015 the three have been implementing the GrowSmarter initiative, co-funded by the European Commission, which advocates 12 smart city solutions: and the results are in. Labelled Lighthouse Cities, as early adopters of the project, the cities found ‘growth does not have to come at the expense of CO2 reductions’. Specific highlights include the refurbishment of 130,000 m2 of building stock using energy efficient and smart tech, the use of a variety of sustainable mobility solutions, and the ongoing success of Internet of Things tech in connecting urban infrastructure to solutions.

“The best result of all is knowing that changing to climate friendly districts is possible. We will therefore continue this process on our way to becoming a smart city and use the GrowSmarter project as a blueprint and guideline for sustainable city planning.” said Dr Ralf Heinen, Mayor of Cologne. 

Graz, Porto, and Cork are among the cities already responding to the findings, as they seek to apply smart city solutions in a local context. Findings that are now being shared with cities across Europe by ICLEI, an international network of 1,750 plus local and regional governments that support sustainable urban development. Discover more about these solutions and the GrowSmarter project.

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