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It’s European Mobility Week – and the message to everyone is 

What does that mean?

Mixing and moving means supporting a transition to a more human transport system. It means promoting cleaner, more fuel-efficient modes, and more human-powered travel. It’s a great way of keeping the focus at the local level and helping European towns and cities to improve the environmental performance of their transport system. It means cleaner air, quieter cities, and healthier citizens – what’s not to like?,” said Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Nearly 2.5k urban centres – across 50 countries – are running events throughout the week, with the week set to conclude in the ‘trademark car-free day’.

EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc added: “We want to encourage everyone to consider different mobility options and select the most appropriate ones for each trip.”

So let’s 

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