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‘Success will come from good communication’ was the message from serial pioneer Bertrand Piccard to young innovators at the inaugural EU Top 50 last year.

It is also the idea underpinning the new Impact Innovators platform, an open + collaborative comms initiative by Innovators Magazine and Knowledge4Innovation. As well as a quarterly magazine element, we’ll use twitter chats, podcasts, events and more to harness the game-changing power of communication to accelerate the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

And this is about flat structure communications, it is not a hierarchical place for thought leaders to hold the mic. It is for everyone – so if we’re having a twitter chat, for example, we want a mix of politicians, business leaders, students – people young and old – on the panel to contribute ideas and commit to actions that can build a sustainable and profitable world for all.

Sign up to be part of the Impact Innovators community.

And find out more by reading the full spring launch edition of Impact Innovators.

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