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The speed at which societies shift to a circular economy will be dependent on how quickly the principles behind it become a mainstream mindset.

Everyone: individuals, businesses and governments need to understand the benefits of building a sustainable world, both economic and environmental.

And Climate Action aims to raise awareness and open up the debate with a webinar this Wednesday. It wants to examine how ‘producers, consumers and the government’ can ‘join forces to make the change’.

“The Transitioning to a Circular Economy webinar is taking place on 13th September at 3-4pm BST and will focus on identifying the key barriers in this transition, including investment risks, the role of the government, the need for standards, the cultural mind shift and more,” the event website states.

“This webinar, held ahead of the 8th Sustainable Innovation Forum on 13 & 14 November 2017 that takes place alongside COP23 in Bonn, gathers circular economy sought-after experts to discuss how the move away from the current linear model can be achieved.”

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