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Is circular fashion your schtick?

Helping build inclusivity into the circular aspirations of the apparel industry is the focus of a new request for proposals (RFP) from the C&A Foundation.

There are two elements to the RFP: prototype initiatives and research programmes designed to unlock actions that put the interests of the ‘workers, employees, customers and the broader society’ front and centre of the shift to a circular fashion industry. Moves are already underway to implement circular business models – but what is the impact on those communities that rely on it?

“We have seen cases where new business models – the gig economy, for example – have perpetuated inequality and poor working conditions for the greater economic gain of a few. There is an opportunity to design and operate a new economic system that addresses this culture of uneven power dynamics,” said Douwe Jan Joustra, Head of Circular Transformation at C&A Foundation. “This request for proposals aims to compile concrete evidence about how best to build an inclusive circular business model within the apparel sector.”

Grants are available, up to €100k, or between €100k and €500k, for the research element, or implementation initiatives; and must relate to one – or more – of C&A Foundation’s target countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and Sri Lanka

The first deadline, for concept notes, is 30 July, with those shortlisted required to submit full proposals by 30 September – check out the C&A Foundation website all the RFP details.

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