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IoT team wins Samsung’s drought challenge

|16 August 2016|


A team of New York-based developers have won Samsung’s Makers Against Drought (M.A.D.) Challenge after creating a groundbreaking system for farmers working in challenging climatic conditions.

The team’s ElectroDialysis Desalinator for Irrigation (EDDI) system allows farmers to separate salt from water before they irrigate, enabling them to use only the necessary amount of water required to achieve maximum crop yield. Using the SAMSUNG ARTIK™ IoT platform, the EDDI system controls smart activation of its device’s pumps and valves, while collecting data related to water salinity and flow. Smart activation also helps reduce water waste.

“We’re a small group of friends who care deeply about solving global problems with technology,” said Jesse Lee, EDDI developer team lead. “Working with the SAMSUNG ARTIK™ platform was a great experience for us, as it provided a giant canvas to create a system of infinite possibility.” He added, “The challenge has given us the lift we need to reach even further into the promise IoT technology offers.”

The EDDI developers’ next step is to continue honing their innovation and one day offer it to farmers everywhere

The M.A.D. global challenge drew more than 500 entries from 57 countries, awarding $210,500 in prizes overall.

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Written By

Iain is a writer, journalist and lecturer, and former editor of two international business magazines. Iain is now editor of Innovators Magazine, as well as the strategic content director for OnePoint5Media.


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