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Inside America’s food revolution

Every nation in the world is struggling to tackle hunger. From the richest to the poorest there is a fight going on to provide food for all. In America one in eight citizens faces hunger.

In his new book Building Community Food Webs, Ken Meter, one of America’s most renowned food system analysts, shows how civic networks led by ‘grassroots food and farming leaders’ in the U.S. are working to deliver healthier, more equitable food systems that can combat hunger.

“Overturning extractive economic structures, these inspired leaders are engaging low-income residents, farmers, and local organizations in their quest to build stronger communities,” the book’s publisher, Island Press says.

Ken, who is my guest today on Inside Ideas, cites trust as the key element underpinning these networks of community food webs, which ‘strive to build health, wealth, capacity, and connection’. It is an inspiring story of people power, with those marginalised by the current state of food systems collaborating to forge a new path that addresses one of the toughest challenges facing humanity: how to ensure everyone has easy access to healthy and nutritious food.

I am delighted to have Ken on the show to hear more about the grassroots food revolution reshaping American food systems, and to discover what lessons the world can learn from the success of these community networks.

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Marc is Editor-at-Large for Innovators Magazine and host of INSIDE IDEAS, his OnePoint5Media video podcast show. Marc is a member of the World Economic Forum Expert Network, Resilient Futurist, and award-winning Global Food Reformist.


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