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Girls urged to pursue tech career

On this #InternationalWomensDay Google has announced it is teaming up with Inspiring Girls International to give more young girls access to female role models.

Insight from successful women working in tech is clearly of huge importance for an 8 to 14 year old age group which sees its confidence drop by 30%, according to the Confidence Code for Girls Report, Ypulse, 2018. Videos that will appear on the Inspiring Girls’ online Video Hub through this partnership will see a dozen female employees at Google pointing girls towards a future in tech. The hub, a ‘go-to resource for girls’, will officially launch this Autumn, and is part of the Grow with Google project – an initiative that offers free training and tools to young people across Europe.

“A lack of access to diverse female role models affects girls all around the world, particularly when it comes to their career aspirations. We have partnered with Google to break down gender clichés in the tech-sector, and encourage girls to explore some of the careers that women are still under-represented in. We are delighted to have Google collaborating with Inspiring Girls on our global campaign. Together, we can inspire the next generation of women,” said Miriam González, Founder and Chair of Inspiring Girls.

The Google interviews are a ‘first taste’ of what to expect from the Inspiring Girls Video Hub – check out the preview.

Inspiring Girls is asking women from all walks of life to submit a video and help populate the Hub before the Autumn launch. If you want to contribute, please contact:

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