The original international awards platform rewarding cross-sector impact towards the UN Global Goals takes place in Glasgow on 12 September.
Global Game Changers 2018, from Innovators Magazine and Newsquest Media, will welcome some of the world’s biggest brands, most inspiring early stage pioneers and businesses making a difference – to the ceremony at Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel; with entries up more than 100% on the inaugural event of 2017, held just the year after the #GlobalGoals officially came into effect.
“Global Game Changers is one of the premier events for those visionaries desiring to change the world. I am especially excited to see this year’s award winners who are addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals within their submissions. This means we will have more sustainable innovation contributing to a desirable future and keeping us below 1.5 degrees of warming,” said Marc Buckley, a leading advocate of the Global Goals and member of the Expert Network for the World Economic Forum.
Be an active part of the event, connect with new opportunities and join a campaign to help build a better world – book your tickets now.