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Food revolution will be televised

The Good Food Conference in California this September on the plant-based food and clean meat industries will be live-streamed.

The Good Food Institute (GFI) is hosting the event at U.C. Berkeley with the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology, where investors, scientists and policymakers will gather to discuss the importance of these ingredients to the future of the food.

GFI co-founder & executive director, Bruce Friedrich, wrote about plant-based food, clean meat and The Good Food Conference in our biotech special, which was distributed earlier this month at the World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology in Philadelphia. Read what he had to say in the digital version below.

And sign up to watch the live-stream of the conference, which takes place on 6 and 7 September.

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Written By

Iain is a writer, journalist and lecturer, and former editor of two international business magazines. Iain is now editor of Innovators Magazine, as well as the strategic content director for OnePoint5Media.


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