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Farming innovations feed refugees

Refugees are using a variety of agricultural innovations to produce food.

In Lebanon the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is supporting Syrian refugees – as well as the local population – grow vegetables using vertical micro-gardens made out of recycled materials. It allows food to be grown without the need for arable land. To date it has supported over 150 households.

The World Food Programme (WFP) is using hydroponic technology to feed refugees. We reported recently that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and WFP are collaborating on a groundbreaking ‘food computer’ project that aims to provide nourishment to Syrian refugees living in Jordanian camps. The WFP is also harnessing the potential of hydroponics to allow refugees living in the Algerian Sahara to feed their animals.

And to continue the pipeline of new innovations the Innovate for Refugees initiative is looking for tech-driven solutions that can help tackle the refugee crisis.

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