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Farming in the city


Youngsters working in a UN food garden today in New York have been learning about the growing importance of urban agriculture.

This is a great way for them to discover about the types of innovative methods being developed to help deliver UN Sustainable Development Goal number 2 – to end hunger.

With a growing global population it is a revolution in food production that is called for. City farming is one solution – especially indoor farming, which is very much on the rise. Using technology, plants and vegetables can be grown indoors, without sunlight, which also reduces pressure on arable land. It is estimated this market will be worth in excess of $6 billion by 2022, according to one report.

And to support the urban farmers of tomorrow, an accelerator co-founded by entrepreneur Kimbal Musk – called Square Roots – is offering food pioneers the technical and financial backing they need to grow their indoor farming businesses.

While AeroFarms – an established leader in indoor farming – announced earlier this year – it is collaborating with the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities initiative (100RC). This provides cities with a Chief Resilience Officer to spearhead projects that can make them ‘more food resilient’.


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