Support for renewable energy and concerns over climate change are issues very much on the minds of European citizens, according to a new opinion poll.
Around three quarters of people living in European Union (EU) countries view climate change as a big problem and 80% say fighting it and harnessing energy more efficiently will bring economic as well as environmental benefits. The findings were released in the latest Eurobarometer poll, which gathered the thoughts of nearly 30,000 EU citizens.
“A clear majority of Europeans expect their politicians to address the serious climate challenge now as an essential tool for sustainable economic growth and creating jobs,” European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete said in a statement.
And close to 90% of those polled backed targets to increase renewable energy use. The EU target is for a minimum 27% clean energy share by 2030. Other key EU goals for 2030, linked to climate and green energy, are for a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a 27% increase in energy efficiency.