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EU acts to save oceans


The oceans are being destroyed by pollution. One report suggests that “by 2050 oceans could contain more plastics than fish (by weight)” if nothing is done.

To avert this disaster, the European Union (EU) is showing real leadership by spearheading a range of initiatives.

The World Aquariums Against Marine Litter campaign was launched in July to raise awareness about the devastation being caused by pollution. It calls on aquariums to be creative and get the message across. And the EU’s Our Ocean conference, which is being held in Malta later this year, will discuss ways to accelerate the types of action needed to save our oceans. The October conference will bring together key international stakeholders representing government, business and civil society.

EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella said: “Aquariums are a television screen to the ocean. This campaign on marine litter is urgent and welcome. The world’s aquariums have decided to become the ocean’s ‘breaking news’ to avoid becoming its history channel. This summer, millions of visitors across the globe will visit an aquarium. To bring change we must show them the reality of plastic pollution.”

He added: “I am proud that the European Union will be hosting the fourth edition of the Our Ocean conference in Malta on 5-6 October 2017.”


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