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eDelivery expo arrives in Barcelona

The eDelivery Barcelona expo & congress is underway. We are media partners with the event, which is focused on advancing innovations that lock in sustainability.

Some of the most exciting startups are gathered in the Catalan capital to showcase their game changing products and connect with investors and big brands primed to take the most promising to the next level.

“The eDelivery Barcelona Congress will make a special emphasis on the future of deliveries in eCommerce as a determining factor in the satisfaction of the consumer shopping experience and with a very special sensitivity for all aspects that affect sustainability,” said Blanca Sorigué, Managing Director of eDelivery Barcelona. “The eDelivery Barcelona Congress program will be impressive and will feature sessions on innovation and latest trends in deliveries, last mile and operations, cross-border commerce, RetailTech, Fulfillment, artificial intelligence and big data, autonomous vehicles, microhubs, smart cities, sustainability, optimization … “

Hashtags to follow for the expo & congress, which finishes on 28 June: #eDBCN2019 #edelivery2019 #laferiadelsector

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Take the last mile to Barcelona




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