The upcoming EcoProcura 2018 conference on sustainable, strategic, circular and innovation procurement will dare people to change how they operate.
These are changed times, no longer are industries represented by the stuffy conferences of old, frequented by men in grey suits. This is an age of impact events that work to inspire and connect stakeholders to opportunities that can advance innovations offering solutions to the world’s biggest problems.
EcoProcura 2018 fits into this world nicely. We are media partners with the event and can’t wait to attend the conference, from 3-5 October, in Nijmegen, the 2018 European Green Capital. The organisers are planning to help trigger a culture of strategic procurement by promoting behavioural change within organisations, using examples of those leading the way.
On the importance of EcoProcura, Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, said: “Public procurement has a key role in accelerating and driving the single market towards environmentally sound goods and services. EcoProcura is the forum to discuss what this sustainable future could look like and how public procurement, when used strategically, can help get us there.
Dr Bertrand Piccard, Paul Louis Iske, Chief Failure Officer, The Institute for Brilliant Failure, and Hubert Bruls, Mayor of Nijmegen are among the confirmed speakers.
Register now.