The European COVID-19 Data Platform is a resource where researchers are sharing data to help accelerate solutions to the pandemic. Launched last month, the platform allows researchers to add, access and analyse datasets focused on tackling COVID-19.
“The European COVID-19 Data Platform is an important concrete measure for stronger cooperation in fighting the coronavirus,” said Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. “Building on our dedicated support for open science and open access over the years, now is the time to step up our efforts and stand united with our researchers. Through our joint efforts, we will better understand, diagnose and eventually overpower the pandemic.”
The platform is the result of a collaboration between the European Commission, the European Bioinformatics Institute of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL-EBI), the Elixir infrastructure and the COMPARE project, along with EU Member States.
Go to the platform’s website to share and access COVID-19 data.
And while you are here, check out the AI-Robotics repository initiative – supported by the European Commission – where innovators and organisations working in these areas are being encouraged to share details of the technologies they are deploying successfully, plan to implement, or believe could work in the fight against COVID-19.
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