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Business plan needed for cyber threats

A global survey sponsored by IBM indicates business is underprepared in its planning for potential cyber threats.

Over two-thirds of respondents in the Ponemon Institute poll, answered by 2800 international IT and security professionals, said they do not have a cyber security incident response plan (CSIRP) in place across their organisation. Nonetheless 72% say they feel better prepared than a year ago because of their ability to hire experts with the necessary skills to deal with any problems.


“Organisations may be feeling more cyber resilient today, and the biggest reason why was hiring skilled personnel. Having the right staff in place is critical but arming them with the most modern tools to augment their work is equally as important. A response plan that orchestrates human intelligence with machine intelligence is the only way security teams are going to get ahead of the threat and improve overall Cyber Resilience,” said Ted Julian, VP of Product Management and Co-Founder, IBM Resilient.


More infrastructure is being added all the time in this area globally, like the multi-million pound London Cyber Innovation Centre in the east end of the city, which will focus on tackling global threats. While political leaders in Australia and the European Union announced last year they are taking steps to implement more robust strategies around cyber security.

But on the need for companies to do more, Dr Larry Ponemon added: “A sharp focus in a few crucial areas can make a big difference when it comes to cyber resilience. Ensuring the security function is equipped with a proper incident response plan, staffing, and budget will lead to a stronger security posture and better overall Cyber Resilience.”

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