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Bringing advantages of space robotics down to earth

|25 July 2016|


Advances in space robotics are set to benefit a number of sectors including healthcare, according a new report.

A new UK-robotics and autonomous systems (RAS) Network white paper led by Professor Yang Gao, Head of STAR Lab at the University of Surrey, points to the development of autonomous robots capable of walking, swimming and climbing, which will replicate insects, birds, animals and even humans on future missions of space exploration within decades.

The paper: Space Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Widening the horizon of space exploration also reveals that the rapid evolution of technologies powering space RAS will have beneficial applications in sectors such as healthcare, mining and agriculture.

Lead author Professor Yang Gao, Head of STAR Lab at the University of Surrey’s Space Centre explained: “Since the 1990s, a new generation of planetary exploration has travelled further into the solar system and is required to become increasingly more convincing as a human proxy in space.  This will lead to the development of robotic explorers and assistants that can carry out such complex tasks that they could tangibly replace humans in space or assist astronauts on a mission.”

Such skills include the ability for space robotics to be equipped with new sensing techniques in order to acquire 3D perception, and to have the ability to climb, swim, dig, fly, sail, navigate and dock spacecraft without humans, as well as to interact with humans.

European Space Agency (ESA) Astronaut Roberto Vittori who launched the white paper, added: “Space robotics is central to the future of space exploration. The importance of this area of science cannot be understated, something I can personally attest to having been responsible for the space shuttle’s robotic arm in the instillation of a six-tonne cosmic ray detector to the International Space Station. This Space Robotics white paper will be instrumental in providing a clear vision as we continue to push new boundaries in both man and unmanned spaceflight.”



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Iain is a writer, journalist and lecturer, and former editor of two international business magazines. Iain is now editor of Innovators Magazine, as well as the strategic content director for OnePoint5Media.


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