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Biotech paves way to greener future

Photo by Meagan Carsience on Unsplash

The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) has welcomed a new US climate crisis action plan released today pinpointing the critical role of biotech.

Select Committee Democrats in the US compiled the report, which lays out key outcomes biotech innovations can help deliver. These include producing more resilient crops and generating sustainable aviation fuels.

“BIO appreciates that the committee is recognising the role that clean energy, green manufacturing and agricultural innovation play in mitigating climate change, protecting human health and bolstering a biobased economy,” said Stephanie Batchelor, vice president of BIO’s Industrial and Environmental Section. “Biotech companies that develop and manufacture sustainable fuels and other biobased products are helping to decarbonise the transportation and manufacturing sectors, reducing air pollution, mitigating other harmful environmental impacts, and improving public health.”

Among a raft of proposals, the report calls for a national low carbon fuels standard and tax breaks for sustainable aviation fuels.

“A national low carbon fuel standard can build off the worthy intentions of the RFS,” adds Batchelor. “We’ve seen how such policies implemented at the state level at BIO’s urging have invigorated the use of clean fuels and helped to achieve a reduced climate footprint.”

Biotech innovations are vitally important, not just for preventing deadly climate disruption, but for achieving the UN Global Goals.

Writing for Innovators Magazine in 2018, Joanna Dupont-Inglis, EuropaBio Deputy Secretary General said: “Companies focusing on industrial biotechnology (IB) and bioeconomy are contributing towards achieving 11 out of 17 SDGs, enabling smarter and more efficient use of precious natural resources, developing renewable alternatives to traditional fossil-carbon products, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change, reducing energy consumption and man-made emissions to soil, air, and water.”

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Written By

Susan is the co-founder of Innovators Magazine and a consultant for OnePoint5Media. Susan is also a member of the UNFCCC-led Resilience Frontiers Nexus group and the Chair of the APOPO Foundation UK board.


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