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COP28, Dubai


A new sense of hope as COP28 wraps up

The COP28 conference in Dubai came to a close today with the world holding an historic new deal in its hands to ‘transition away from fossil fuels”.

With each COP that passes more and more of the world has come into sight; inclusivity and passion are complementing the diplomatic dance taking place inside the negotiating rooms and it’s a dynamic that has given us ‘The UAE Consensus’ the 11th hour deal that green lights an ambitious climate agenda designed to keep 1.5°C within reach and point the world towards its North Star of phasing out fossil fuels,.

But before we sign off on our coverage from Dubai, where we’ve been asking decision makers, innovators, and creatives for their optimistic perspectives on the future, as well as their insights into what a world that works for everyone looks like for them, we have some final thoughts on these posers, shared by nine amazing friends, old and new:

You’re watching…

Ingo Puhl , South Pole Group

Dijana Galijasevic, CEO, Impact Hero

J.R. Mitwasi, COO of Arcasia Advisors

Simeon Pieterkosky and Lianè Thompson, founders of Aquaai

Jurgis Didžiulis, troubadour, professional speaker, activist

Nick Nuttall, We Don’t Have Time (musician)

Daniel Cervenka: The Convergence

Dr. Abir Haddad, Institute for Legal Transformation


And keep an eye on these pages this week for a few extra videos, produced in partnership with Allied4Future, including my one-to-one with a princess, and interview with the phenomenal, Zach Bush; and sign up to the Innovators Magazine newsletter to get it sent straight to your inbox. 

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Written By

Marc is Editor-at-Large for Innovators Magazine and host of INSIDE IDEAS, his OnePoint5Media video podcast show. Marc is a member of the World Economic Forum Expert Network, Resilient Futurist, and award-winning Global Food Reformist.


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