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2020 stepping stone to sustainability

#EarthDay will mark its 50th birthday in 2020 with a far reaching campaign that will strive to take ‘climate action to the next level’.

Today’s #EarthDay2019 is already well underway but the Earth Day Network, which organises the initiative, is focused on making 2020 the turning point year in history: when engagement rises to levels impactful enough to set the world on a new course – away from the current downward spiral, which threatens to end with the extinction of the planet and those who call it home.

The Earth Day Network’s user’s guide for 2020 and beyond has a whole raft of steps people can take to make an impact.

Can you use energy more efficiently at home? Unplug items when they aren’t in use, by goods with high energy-efficient standards, and consider making the switch to renewable energy. All of these can help to help reduce your personal impact. Record your Acts of Green here. Help make an impact – submit your actions and help us to reach a Billion Acts of Green!

With a big enough community of activists, every step really will make a difference. Tell your friends and networks about #EarthDay2020

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Written By

Susan is the co-founder of Innovators Magazine and a consultant for OnePoint5Media. Susan is also a member of the UNFCCC-led Resilience Frontiers Nexus group and the Chair of the APOPO Foundation UK board.


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