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2017 Highlights

Announcing a new multi-media communications channel at the European Innovation Summit was a great end to the year.

We’re putting this Highlight in our food and drink section as the new quarterly platform was announced at a drinks reception hosted by Innovators Magazine in the European Parliament at the closing ceremony of EIS.

The organisers of that event, Knowledge4Innovation (K4I), will be working with us on the new communications tool, which will incorporate a variety of elements, including podcasts, video, twitter chats and a quarterly magazine.

It will continue the story of the EU Top 50 Startup (EU50) platform launched by K4I at this year’s European Innovation Summit and have the build up to the Summit’s 10th anniversary in 2018.

More generally it will share actionable ideas that individuals, businesses and governments can implement to lock-in sustainability.

The first podcast will be in January with Roland Strauss, K4I Managing Director. All the details will be announced on our Quarterly page soon.

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Summit launch for new comms tool


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